Sertika success story

Sertika success story

Sertika was created in 1993

After Lithuania regained its independence, the usual standards of living changed fundamentally: the opportunity to travel freely around the world appeared, the free movement of goods appeared, and along with it new threats arose related to the safety of products imported into Lithuania.
In order to ensure the compliance of electronic household appliances, measuring and medical equipment imported into Lithuania with European (EN) and international (ISO) safety standards, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Lithuania in 1993. in June on the 28th by order No. 212 obliged the Kaunas Radio Measurement Technology Research Institute "LIRA" to establish the Kaunas State Medical and Radio Electronic Equipment Certification Center (later named "SERTIKA"). This activity is separated from the activities of "LIROS", Romualdas Augūnas is appointed as the director of the certification center.
Since its foundation, SERTIKA has been actively involved in the economic activities of Lithuanian companies, performing tests and certification of various hardware, thus ensuring the equal participation of the products produced and imported by Lithuanian companies in the European economic space.

First Sertika accreditation in 1997

Since 1997 SERTIKA testing laboratories and product certification units were accredited by the National Accreditation Bureau for compliance with European standards LST EN 45011 (currently replaced by: LST EN ISO/IEC 17065), LST EN 45001 (currently replaced by: LST EN ISO/IEC 17025).

The stage of activity of the notified body 2004 - 2013

STATEMENT OF THE MINISTER OF HEALTH PROTECTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA in 2004 December 6 No. V-863 SERTIKA was approved by the notified body NB 1609. This conformity assessment activity was carried out on December 6, 2004. until July 2013 17th for medical device groups:
  1. For electrical medical equipment subject to general requirements;
  2. For electrical medical systems;
  3. For nerve and muscle stimulants;
  4. Electroencephalograph;
  5. For laser diagnostics and therapy equipment;
  6. For dental treatment equipment;
  7. For indirect blood pressure monitors.
In order to ensure easier certification of the production of Lithuanian manufacturers on the international market, SERTIKA has concluded a series of bilateral agreements with globally recognized Norwegian, Swedish, South Korean, and Polish certification centers and testing laboratories (NEMKO, SEMKO, KTL, PCBC) on the mutual recognition of the results of test laboratory protocols. , so that SERTIKOS customers do not have to incur additional costs when testing products in the testing laboratories of foreign certification centers, and the certified products of foreign manufacturers do not have to undergo tests in the SERTIKOS testing laboratory.
A year ago, SERTIKA celebrated its 25th anniversary. One can only be happy about the focus of the team in providing smooth and high-quality service to SERTIKOS customers and performing daily tasks. The company's staff has always consisted of highly qualified specialists in their fields, who are able to promptly solve technical and legal issues related to customers and ensure the compliance of the company's departments with European and international standards and the requirements of the National Accreditation Bureau.

The development and accreditation of the management systems certification unit started in 2008

The smooth work of the team, a good internal microclimate and the development and expansion of SERTIKOS are ensured by the long-term management team: Vilma Bendžiuvienė, Benas Beklešovas, Lukas Palivanas, Ingrida Kusienė. Thanks to significant development, SERTIKA works in accordance with the requirements of LST EN ISO/IEC 17021-1, LST EN ISO/IEC 27006, LST EN ISO/IEC 17025 and today, in addition to the other mentioned works, carries out conformity assessment and certification of company management systems according to the standards requested by the client (ISO 9001 , ISO 14001, ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001), ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 22000, ISO 13485, ISO 15224, ISO 15378, EN 15593, ISO 17100, ISO 22716, ISO 37001, etc.) requirements.
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